The MotionMonitor Bike Fit System

designed with the professional in mind
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Here are the details! See why the unique features of The MotionMonitor Bike Fit System can help leverage your fitting skills.

Activate Hardware

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The activate hardware icon initializes the camera system.  Six 1.3 megapixel cameras ensure sub-millimeter tracking.  Sampling rates are 120 readings per second. The accuracy and sampling rate provide the resolution necessary to identify the small movements and accelerations that differentiate elite riders from amateur riders.  

When activation is complete you will be asked to digitize key points on the bike. These include the most forward and rear-ward points of the saddle; the center of the crank; and, the stem and grips of the handle bars. These points represent the reference point of the pre-assessment bike dimensions. The stylus displayed above is calibrated to 1 mm accuracy and is used to locate the reference points on the bike. Later this stylus will be used to take precise measurements of the rider's segment lengths and joint centers.

Setup Bike Rider

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The Setup Bike Rider is an essential step in providing sound biomechanical analysis of cycling.  Assessment of cycling mechanics relies on accurate measurement of the subject’s segment lengths and the location of joint centers.  With the stylus and digitizing guide pictured above, you can be confident of your measurements.  This step will reveal anomalies that may affect the rider's mechanics and the way you adjust the bike. Trying to make adjustments to the bike for data caused by different length legs can be exasperating! Understanding the rider's physical limitations is even more critical if you are looking at muscle recruitment or joint forces during dynamic activities.

The MotionMonitor Bike Fit System is built on 20 years of research in the field of biomechanics for sports related activities. With high precision equipment and the methods of The MotionMonitor, you no longer have to rely on the gross inaccuracies of camera based systems that rely on telestrator tools or systems that rely on single surface markers to define internal joint centers. And because The MotionMonitor Bike Fit System measures true 3D data (not just 3D positions but also 3D orientations) you are now able to measure long bone rotations to assess the rotations that occur at ankle, knee and hip. Let The MotionMonitor team share the other features that make this, the most advanced fitting system on the market.

PrePost Analysis

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At this point you are ready to capture the subject during an active ride. The PrePostAnalysis icon lets you display the resultant data to reveal the consistency and synchronicity exhibited by the rider. The data include range, maximum values and minimum values.  Right and Left side data are displayed simultaneously. The Bi-lateral capability of the system ensures that you are seeing both left and right side data that was collected at exactly the same time. No longer is it necessary to collect one side, turn the bike and then collect the second side.

Trace Analysis

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The Trace Analysis icon provides another way of looking at the data.  Here you can view the trace of foot, ankle, knee and hip during dynamic activities.  Presented in 2D, this panel provides a quick way of comparing the path of major segments during dynamic cycling.  


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With data in hand, you are ready to begin the fitting process. The MotionMonitor Bike Fit System has collected high quality data for you to assess, but you still need to decide on the settings appropriate for your rider.  Each rider's expectations, cycling style and physical capabilities should guide your decision on the appropriate fit.  The MotionMonitor Bike Fit System can be a real help at this stage.  The RealTimeFitting icon will begin the display of data while you are making adjustments to the bike. For example, adjustments to saddle height will reveal the effect on knee angles in real time while making the adjustment.  You can select from several data panels with the click of a mouse.  When your adjustments are complete,  you can repeat the capture, PrePostAnalysis step to evaluate the effects of your changes.  And if further refinements are needed, again enter the RealTimeFitting step to observe their effect in real time.  

Bike Dimensions

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When the RealTimeFitting process is complete and you are confident that the rider's data is appropriate for the rider's anthropometrics, type of bike and cycling interest,  you are ready for the reporting phase.  If you are starting with the rider's bike, the Bike Dimensions can be compared before and after the fitting session.  If working with an adjustable fitting system,  you now have the dimensions that will help you guide your client in the selection of his or her new bike.  You can leave your client with either written or video based results of your session that include your comments on what and how you made changes to optimize their riding performance.  With The MotionMonitor Bike Fit System you have a way of distinguishing yourself from the everyday bike fitting operation! 

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